Dan Pena – Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call
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You’re struggling with a market
To consolidate, worried
Lack of capital, scared you
Don’t you have what it takes?
(Discover Dan Pena’S “down and dirty” hitman secrets!)
Watch the video below…
Dear readers,
If you’re losing sleep at night because you want to succeed so bad it hurts, you’re going to want to pay close attention.
Success in LIFE comes down to a few simple principles, and this is where it gets interesting.
Once you start implementing them daily and Weekly, the system works almost like magic.
Now I know what you’re thinking… there must be some secret formula.
The truth is that there is not.
I’m living, breathing proof that you can literally start with $ 40 in your pocket and still succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Look, I was like you…
Just before I stumbled across Dan Peña and QLA, I was operating my own business (miserably) and dreaming of my big break.
Honestly, looking back, that day was never going to come.
Here’s why…
First I had to learn Dan’s true secret otherwise my business was doomed…
Let me share a little story to explain better.
At that time, I shacked up in a dilapidated rented house in New York trying to unite enough clients to make a go of my own business after leaving a fast-track corporate career.
I was knee-deep on one of my first offers and ran out of cash…
When I mean “no cash”, I mean I only had a measly $ 40.12 to my name and some of that came from my couch.
He talks about being stuck between a rock and a hard point.
But I stand before you victorious.
Although I had to learn the hard way how to make QLA work, that doesn’t have to be the case for you.
You can cut the process short by learning from my mistakes.
Before we move on, let me ask you a quick question…
Wouldn’t you rather work side by side with someone who’s been where you want to be?
Of course, I would!
During those difficult years I discovered a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t.
For example…
I learned exactly how to find and get capital when everyone (even my business partner) yells that it can’t be done. This is why Dan tells his seminar attendees, ” you don’t get what you don’t ask for.”
I also learned how to overcome extreme internal conflicts and how to control your emotions so that you don’t make bad choices based on fear.
When I had less than fifty dollars to my name, I had a family to support, and I could not let them down. So I became high-performing and so can you.
I have some tricks to help you
Flip this on and off!
At this point, if you’re thinking Dan was easy on me when I was on my first deal and ran out of cash, you’d be very wrong.
After I turned around my tax business and started harpooning those Fortune 500 whales Dan Peña took me as his … HITMAN.
He would send me to a company to make the “tough decisions” and drag qla victims out of harm’s way.
I didn’t always save them, but what I discovered along the way may lead you … a complete rookie … to an acquisition superstar in a fraction of the time.
Think how much easier your journey could be if you are able to dodge many of the most common road blocks.
Before we get into all that, let me introduce myself first.
Hi, I’m Bruce Whipple.…
Over the past 25 years, I have worked with Dan Peña and have worked on more than 20 deals.
Today, I mentor entrepreneurs, like you, interested in growing your wealth through “mom and pop”acquisitions.
In fact, since 1993, I have personally been responsible for creating more than.2 Billion in accumulated wealth.
That wasn’t by accident.
Before my mother died, she taught me several important life lessons.
She instilled me a pimple never back.
Although she was affectionate and affectionate, she did not allow to complain in our house.
Shortly after she passed away, I enrolled at Northeastern University in Boston.
I would love to say that I graduated, the top of the class, but I failed … and I lost my brother, all at the same time.
Stunned by that relentless beating, I felt lost, maybe as if you were feeling right now.
That’s when I asked myself the one question that changed my life forever…
“Am I going to regret not having a college degree for the rest of my life?”
The answer was NO.
I returned to Boston, determined to graduate with an engineering degree … and I did.
I took advantage of that experience and became an entrepreneur, where I experienced my first “big win”.”
We went from being a small company to representing many Fortune 500 clients.
Here is IBM…
Even though my property tax business was attracting eye-catching Fortune 500 clients, I was far from achieving my dreams.
I was hungry to grow my business exponentially, but I was running out of ideas.
So out of desperation, I bought a seminar ticket that I couldn’t afford.
The day I met Dan Peña my life changed forever.
We went on to work on more than 20 offers and became good friends.
In fact, I’m honored to be in Dan’s Hall of Fame.(It’s not an easy task, I can assure you of that!)
Dan Peña talking about working with me
My place in the Dan Peña Hall of Fame
At this point, you may be wondering…
“Why Are you willing to help me, Bruce?”
That’s a good question and the answer is…
I am grateful for all my success. I’m at a point in my life where I want to give back.
Look, I love working with budding entrepreneurs, like you, smashing mental barriers and turning your company into a wild success.
Download Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call on Avaicourse.com
The truth is growing a business is simple, and the methods are teachable if you’ve been there, and done that, before.
Simple is not the same as easy. Success requires hard work, but the system works if you work it!
So I’m passing the torch.
I want to do everything in my power to help make your dreams come true.
Let’s dive with…
I want to do everything in my power to help make your financial dreams come true.
In fact, look at the comments I’ve been getting so far…
Mi my trust is up
At first, I thought I was on the right track with only a high-performance mindset.
I decided to seek offers and funding, on my own, before forming a board of directors or contacting legal professionals.
I got frustrated because it didn’t work.
Now I understand that I must follow the steps in the exact order to succeed.
PDF downloads helped me start contacting board members on LinkedIn etc.
My level of trust has improved because I can approach board members, legal professionals and acquisition candidates.
I would recommend this course to anyone who has a desire to buy a business.
Data encoding method:
Mis my friends thought I was crazy!
I bought this extremely inexpensive course because it promised to read and respond to every email, personally.
So, I sent you an email and, lo and behold, you answered.
We started talking about my business and I was so happy for you to answer my questions.
Like most people, I started talking to my “friends,” most said I’m crazy.
So, I decided to take action. After putting my vision together, I finally contacted a well-known person in my industry. He has written four books, sold a company for 600mm dollars, served on 15 boards and is now retired. I found his number online, and now he agrees to Be My President.
That’s it! It was much easier than I thought. I want to thank you for answering all my questions!
My advice… 1. Whipple many questions! 2. Follow the process! 3. Take Action… Take Action… Take Action…
As you can see, from the moment you jump on board, I am fully committed to your success.
To help get you into the winners circle faster, Let’s dive in with…
The top 3” Mind Hacks ” stop
You Take Action…
Mind Block #1: fear of failure – the truth is that most entrepreneurs are afraid of failure; but why? Most hits ” fail their way to success.”
In fact, Thomas Edison and his invention of the light bulb is a great example.
He had thousands of failed experiments before he got it right, and I’m going to help him reduce his failures.
One trick that saved the day more than once, especially when the chips are down is to tell myself…
“Never ask, never get!”
Think about it.
Research shows that 92% of sellers give up after four “no”, and only 8% of sellers place the order for the fifth time, which is where 80% of sales occur.
It takes at least five continuous follow-up efforts to get a ” yes”…
What you’re about to discover will allow you to keep coming back even when you’ve been kicked to the ground with a long chain of rejections.
The next obstacle is a problem and prevents many hungry entrepreneurs from getting closer to their goals.
Let’s explore…
Mind Block # 2: lack of capital-if you keep telling yourself “ ” I don’t have the Money, How can I acquire or grow a business?”
Download Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call on Avaicourse.com
Stop, right now!
The truth is, the world has never been more flush with cash. Look around you…
You can’t open any business magazine without finding at least one lending institution begging for clients. I’ve also never seen so many sources of capital.
Here’s the secret…
Once you find the right deal, banks will beg you to take their money.
Where most people screw this up is they try to finance any funky, rufus deal that comes down the pike.
You want to walk into the bank with a deal so hot, the bank manager is willing to clear his calendar to make time just for you.
In a moment, I’ll show you where these deals are hiding and how you can take full advantage of them.
But first, I still have one more area I want to cover…
Mental Block # 3: How do I pick a market?
There are a lot of good businesses and industries to acquire and a lot that aren’t good.
The advice of” Investigate before you invest ” is wise advice I got from Dan.
The big criteria are:
Good profit margins (30-40%) as you want room for error when you start.
A “mom & pop” business where you can add value.
A motivated seller!
After you have been through the nine videos in this course we’ll do a one hour call to get you jump started and talk through how to find your market.
What does this mean for you?
Normally I don’t like to share my insider secret if we don’t work one-on-one. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and just handing it over to any Joe on the street doesn’t appeal to me.
But I’ve been in your shoes.
I know what it’s like when money is tight. I understand you might not be able to afford my full monthly coaching fee of 3 3,000, right now.
That’s why I’ve created the special online coaching program, I’m about to show you.
See, I still want you to achieve your dreams and this is the best way I can help you get started.
So fasten your seatbelt.
Get ready to learn how to…
Find and assemble your “Dream Team” and kick open the door of opportunity. Remember, perception is reality…
Convince and hire your transaction accountants and lawyers to work on a success-oriented fee basis…
Find, contact, and close acquisition candidates, even when they don’t want to sell…
Manage multiple acquisitions so you can go from broke to wildly successful, FAST…
Line your pockets with cash by preparing and selling your enterprise or by taking it public…
After several weeks of long nights, it’s finally ready!
Welcome to…
“The 7 Steps To Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream”
Each video includes a PDF with resources and an Action Plan!
Topics Covered In The 9 Video Course
If you’ve been struggling with how to get started how how to pick a market.where to find capital. how to assemble a “dream team”. or what to do next.
I promise this video course will be the one thing you’ve been looking for.
You’ll be able to follow along with me at your own pace and learn how the rough and tumble world of acquisition works.
This can save you many sleepless nights.
Here is what’s inside “the 7 Steps To Buying a Profitable Revenue Stream”
Introduction – I’ve included a Fast Action Getting Started Guide… I’ve taken out all the guesswork… Now you’ll know exactly where to start so you can find your acquisition quicker than you imagined possible.
Step 1-Mindset-How to really believe “I’ve got this!”Learn the techniques to close your mind to negative thinking and staying focused on the outcome you want.
Step 2-Motivation-The lesson I learned from a Navy SEAL to not freak out but take action! You can and will learn the techniques to get and stay motivated.
Step 3-Board of Directors-How to build your “Dream Team” in half the time so banks are begging to give you money. I show you how to find, interview, and carefully vet each candidate so when it comes time to make your first acquisition you have credibility and are looked at as a “player”.
Step 4-Hiring Legal & Accounting Firms-How to hire the best even when you think you can’t! When you learn how to “interview” these essential members of your team and have them work on success oriented deferred fees…IT it’S a GAME CHANGER!
Step 5-Finding a Deal-the secret to buying a business which isn’t for sale! Forget “Business Brokers”. The real secret is to learn how to approach businesses that aren’t for sale. You’ll be amazed at how one technique will change how you’re treated in approaching them.
Step 6-Financing Your Deal-Dan’S QLA methods are perfect for people who don’t have ready cash. There has never been a time with more finance sources. My Where to Find Funding for your Deal report is included and has 22 sources of capital.
Step 7-Running Your Business – Once you’ve acquired a business how to keep it! Learn the management techniques to effectively and successfully grow your acquisition and have it be a testimonial for you next deal.
Conclusion & Next Action-Each of the videos has a PDF download with templates, tips, key takeaways and suggestions on how to take action asahp!
Before I talk about how much this is going to cost you, there’s one more thing I want to show you…
I wanted to make absolutely sure you have everything you’ll need to succeed so after some careful thought I thought one of the best ways to help you put everything I’ve mentioned so far into action was to jump on the phone with you, personally…
Special” Action-Taker ” Bonus ($300 value)
Once you raise your hand and let me know you’re serious and have gone through all the videos, you and I will jump on Zoom video call where we’ll hash out any of your sticking points.
For example, I’ve helped other people overcome…
Their fear of failure and understanding, and get comfortable with, expanding their “comfort zone”.
How and where to find funding for their deals.
The guidelines to follow and” red flags ” to look out for in picking a market.
On this call, we’ll review your industry to make sure it works. And go through each of the 7 steps and you’ll walk away with an action plan for each step.
With your action plan, you can immediately start implementing the 7 Steps to Buying a Profitable Revenue Stream process.
Download Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream & Call on Avaicourse.com
So how much is all this going to cost?
Let’s do a quick recap to cover everything you’re getting…
Direct access to all 9 videos inside my “The 7 Steps to Buying a Profitable Revenue Stream” course, so you can discover for yourself how fast this simple process can take you from broke to business owner… to a bank account full of cash…
Plus you’re also getting for FREE a 30 minute one-on-one with me, Dan’S HITMAN, to discuss and prepare your acquisition “war plan.” We’ll also confront your unanswered questions so you can hit the ground running.
I originally planned to offer this acquisition video training program for $2,000, which is peanuts when you consider how much you can potentially make from your first deal. (Remember Dan Peña, did $50 million dollars in business his first year in business.)
But I realize money can be tight when you’re just getting started, so as a friendly way to help you get your venture off the ground, I’ve slashed that price to the bone.
You can have everything I’ve talked about including the FREE bonus call with me for only.497 or 3 payments of just. 197.
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
Outstading Courses: http://avaicourse.com/courses/buying-a-profitable-revenue-stream-call/
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 139
- Assessments Yes
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