Do you find yourself desiring to engage in more frequent trading but lacking the time to be seated in front of a monitor during market hours? Are you aiming for returns higher than those achievable through the buy-and-hold strategy in your retirement account? Do you possess dependable trading systems tailored for bull, sideways, and bear market conditions? Are you in search of a sequence of relatively uncorrelated opportunities for daily trading? Would you feel at ease initiating short positions? Is your current practice centered around closely monitoring the markets? Do you possess the capability to execute uncomplicated trade orders? Is there an interest in adopting a more methodical approach to trading? Are you committed enough to adhere to the rules, even if you might not feel entirely comfortable doing so? Do you genuinely understand what else is required, beyond possessing good trading systems, to trade successfully? If you responded affirmatively to some or all of these inquiries, the newly introduced Swing Trading Systems Elearning course might offer the solution you are seeking.
More courses from this author: Van Tharp
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes