Tripp Advice – Effortless Flirting
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Who else is sick and tired of the Friend Zone?
You spend weeks gathering the courage to approach an attractive woman. You stutter, you fight for words.
Finally, after an eternity, you tell him how you feel.
And what does she say?
“Oh … I just don’t like you to be.”
Or, ” Yo … I have one … boyfriend. Yes.”
That’s if you’re lucky. The girls you meet at the bar aren’t so forgiving…
Anyway, I was definitely sick of the friends Zone. In fact, I used to be terrible with girls.
I spent many sleepless nights accumulating my brain…
“Why the hell am I having so much trouble to interest a girl? Why does my stomach turn upside down every time I open my mouth around a beautiful woman? What’s wrong with that guy that I don’t?”
Well, do you want to know why, no matter how hard you try, the girl of your dreams just isn’t that about you?
Maybe it’s because…
You’re still slinging canned pickup lines you heard in a cheesy movie…
You grope, stumble and stumble upon yourself trying to come up with something … ANYTHING … tell a girl…
Women always tell you how nice you are instead of how hot you make them feel…
Do you think flirting is a big trash session that demands luck, appearance and money…
Wait. I need to stop you right there.
What I’m about to tell you is shocking. But you need to hear the truth:
Scoring the girl of your dreams isn’t about fame or cash, it’s science.
And most importantly, it’s a science you can really master.
( I did, and I’ll show you how.)
Listen…. You’ve been lied to. In fact, if you’ve been struggling to pick up the girls, it’s probably not even your fault…
You’ve just been using godly advice.
Someone probably told you.:
“The pickup lines are fully functioning!”
They don’t.
“Girls want boys to treat them like shit!”
They don’t.
“Be yourself! Act natural!”
Not without a plan.
Forget the tricks, tricks and nonsense, so-called Pickup Artists and armchair players get out of their asses. Are you ready for a foolproof plan that really Networks results?
But first, I want you to answer these questions honestly…
Are you paralyzed by shyness in social situations?
You’re the guy sitting at the bar, watching dozens of beautiful women walk by who you’re dying to talk to … and you just can’t muster the courage? (It’s much more common than you think!)
Do your interactions with women usually end with a one-way ticket to the Friends zone?
Are you stuck wondering ” how the hell could she pick up that guy!? He’s half as handsome and half as smart as me!In the meantime, are you the boy who “loves like a brother”?”
When Friday night rolls around, are you stuck at home because the idea of flying again is unbearable?
“Screw it, I’m going to watch the Star Trek restorations until my eyes turn bright!”Are you talking to women so terrifying that you just don’t try anymore?
Are you tired of being labeled “creepy” or “weird” for using bullshit pickup lines?
Did you try dad’s proven time opener and hear nothing but crickets? Still stuck using “tactical dating” 15 years ago it? (Tip: feather boas and pink cowboy hats no longer work!)
I bet you answered ” yes ” to at least one of those questions. Hell, most guys do, you’re not alone, my friend.
Now, you may be thinking…
“What is the alternative? I’ve tried everything!”
Do not throw your hands in the air at the moment. What if I told you there’s a way to:
Approach women with confidence so they want to talk to you…
Master flirting “on the fly”, so you will never get lost by the words again…
Make real connections with women by being natural and authentic..
Become an expert in the science of flirting, making other guys scratch their heads wondering how you got so damn popular…
And most importantly, land more dates and have more sex!
And that’s my promise to you: give you the power to…
Flirting effortlessly.
Yeah, that’s a bold promise, I know.
But here’s the deal…
I’ve been that guy before. I’ve been the only one sitting alone in a corner, watching the world pass by me…
… see other guys write down the women they wanted…
… and wishing there was an answer.
Well, after years of practice, he got me to those women. I did more. And I didd discover ways of my attraction and becoming the man women maximize the dream of dating.
Will it take you years to achieve those same results?
[Of course not! ]
Flirting effortlessly takes my years of successes and failures and strips away the cold, hard facts to drastically improve your dating life in a
fraction of the time.
With the right tools (these tools), you:
Feel safer at social gatherings, even if you don’t know anyone.;
Be comfortable in your own skin talk to women and never struggle that comes with something witty or charming to say;
Conquer anxiety forever, which means you’ll never have to see another bozo walking with the girl of your dreams.;
Develop dominant body language, showing confidence to a woman even before opening her mouth;
And, of course, you’ll have more conversations, hook up more phone numbers and go on more dates than ever before.
Are you ready to stop being the invisible Man and transform into the man?
That’s what I wanted to hear!
My program will drive drastic changes in your love life. Here’s just a glimpse of what effortless flirting has to offer:
The magnetic power of the Seductive Handshake (Module 4) is SUPER easy, and trust me, other guys don’t want you to know this!
The 8 C’s to increase your attraction to women even before you start flirting(a mustsee in module 1)
Hack body language to ooze confidence, and make excitedto women talk to you (see module 2 for every last detail)
How to customize your flirting toolkit for almost any situation, from shopping malls to clubs, cafes and everywhere in between (Module 5 shows you how to do it smoothly )
Tons and tons of reusable examples of what to say to make flirting as easy as ordering a pizza (tons of practical tips in Module 3)
Real scenarios you can and will run into attracting women, plus what to do and what to say so that you never feel trapped again
And, a limited time bonus chock module full of my topsecretstealth methods for flirting (you really don’t want to miss this one).
I know you’re chewing the bit for more information.
I’m not one of those sleezy dating gurus who promises the moon and doesn’t meet – I’ll give you a complete summary of effortless flirting and what to expect with each detailed module.
Ready? Let’s dive in…
Module 1 the structure of flirting
In our first module, I will guide you through the basics, such as:
Exactly how effective flirting looks. Just copy, and soon you will be on your way to becoming a lean, half-flirting machine!
What it really means to flirt and how to distinguish the difference between “flirting” and ” just chatting;”
Why flirting works … and how to use this incredibly simple fact to start flirting whenever you want!
the 8 C attraction, to generate a lot of Desire before you even start flirting;
4 “attraction builders” that make women feel playful and get them to chase you;
In addition, a visual plan of an entire conversation between a guy and a girl, you will see exactly when and how much to flirt for maximum success.
Module 2 flirting with body language
Below you will see:
How to master ” safe posture;”
And How to use ” Lean Trust;”
How to use “pinpoint” areas of your own body to attract point areas of it … and I guarantee that this process is incredibly simple and strangely effective;
The “Instant TurnOn” body language system and how to make women turn on quickly … all without saying a word (diagrams and pictures will illustrate how crazy this concept is);
Secret movement techniques initiated by famous actors to instantly change their body language from “stiff and lame” to “Soft’ n ‘ sexy”;
Everything you need to know about eye contact: how to create deep connections, how often to use it, when to use it, and when to look the other way;
and, strategic smile. Smiling involves 3 phases, ranging from initial interest to friendship to lust. Of course, I’ll show you how to hit Phase 3 as often as possible!
Module 3 verbal flirting
In this module we will take a look at:
My all-time favorite verbal flirting techniques, and how you’ll attract women simply by being yourself. (Seriously!)
Real examples. Forget the theory, this works and I’ll prove it;
What to do and what not to do from flirting through teasing: how to build attraction without hurting your feelings or being banished to the Creep zone;
Script templates that you can use today to start conversations with beautiful women;
Specific types of compliments and taunts to instantly build attraction;
The amazing power of” Push Pull ” flirting and how to make women do just about anything for you;
The right way, and the wrong way, to offer compliments;
And, how to clarify their intentions, also known as how to avoid the exits of monsters and ruin conversations.
Module 4 physical flirting
Now we’re cooking. At the end of this module, you will know:
How to ratchet up sexual attraction using the power of touch;
How the “seductive handshake” is like zapping a woman’s body with electricity … and how it puts you firmly in the driver’s seat;
What specific parts of your body to touch and how to touch it … kidnapping these “erogenous zones” is more powerful than any corny collection line, Believe me;
How to avoid the dreaded zone of friends … or even escape if you’ve been trapped there since elementary school … all using my touching secret maneuvers.
Just how to know if she’s digging you … and most importantly, how to know when it’s time to move on.
And even more examples you can steal right now!
Module 5 flirting in every environment Also
Also known as “how to hook up effortlessly no matter where on Earth you may be”, which includes:
How to win any girl at any party, get the coveted” stamp of approval ” from your friends and become the most popular guy in the room … in addition to the # 1 biggest mistake I see most guys do that makes all of this completely impossible; Also
“Heavy Flirting”, which allows you to enter any bar, lounge or club and, in minutes, get the girls flirting with you effortlessly;
“Light Flirting”, my method of choice for casual environments such as grocery stores, bookstores and cafes. Establish a connection, grab your number. It’s very simple! Also
Exactly how to approach a cute girl on the street-how to look like dating material instead of a creepy stranger;
My all-time favorite close to set a date;
How to decide whether to text or call her, and exactly what to say so she can’t wait to answer or call again;
And finally, how to build confidence to approach a stranger and instantly communicate that you are the emotion he has been longing for in his life. Also
This is where the REAL fun begins. In this module I will teach you:
How to seduce an older woman, making her feel young again;
How to immerse yourself in company ink and make co-workers yearn for you outside of business hours; Also
Some crucial rules to avoid the friends zone in college;
The best “heavy flirting” and “seduction moves” that absolutely kill him with cougars; Also
How to increase your masculinity and maturity to connect with older women;
My office flirting guidelines“” how to get the girl and keep her job;”
And of course, a bullet-proof, Step-By-Step Guide to get the hot co-worker out of the office and on a date. Also
Sounds great and everything, but I know you have a big burning question… Also
Well, I’ll tell you.…
This program is not just for investment bankers, athletes and actors. You don’t need wealth, fame or luck to attract women. All you need is yourself, and that’s who this program is designed for: you.
Effortlessly flirting does not use stealthy tricks or manipulation to “trick” girls into dating you. Instead, you will learn the steps and techniques I know to succeed, even if you have never been on a date in your life.
I don’t write about quotes “theory.”Effortless flirting is all about real examples and application. This is my life, and it can also be yours, this shit works. And how do I know that? Because it works for me, it has worked for countless other men, and I’m willing to bet it will work for you, too!
Effortless flirting isn’t just about what to say, it’s the whole package. From talking to body language to inner confidence, all the pieces are in place for you to go out this week and start applying my techniques to your life. Also
FED UP WITH BEING ALONE? These guys were too much, until they tried an effortless ligament… Also
“Tripp’s advice made me an expert on flirting.” Also
“I came back from a date with my special lady and everything was completely different. Tripp’s advice made me an expert on flirting. Now my girl can’t wait the next time I take her out. Keep working awesome Tripp and thanks for eveything!” Also
Daniel-north of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
“Highly recommended!”
“A word for effortless flirting training: wonderful. It has helped me become more social and I have more confidence in women. You just have to spend some time learning before you jump on the field. Highly recommended!!” Also
Kevin-Sydney, Australia
“Some of the boys look very jealous…”
“Tripp man, thanks to you I can flirt with any girl I want. Some of the guys really look jealous of me while I’m talking and flirting with the girls. Back then I really had no idea how to hook up properly, but it changed mate! Thanks a lot!” Also
Aniq-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“It was definitely worth the time and the money!”
“At first I thought this was too crazy for me and skeptical that it really works. The man was wrong! I simply went through the steps while considering the principles of seduction and this put me in CONTROL and kept the ladies interested. The first night I tried this and in my second approach I have a hot blonde girl to come and kiss me. This was definitely worth my time and money!!” Also
Werner-Adelaide, Australia
“Tripp has made me safer…”
“Tripp has made me more confident and now I don’t have to worry about what people think of me. Your advice helped me. Thank you!” Also
Data encoding method:
“Now I go out with the girls I want…”
“I lost my girlfriend because I lacked confidence before I started watching the videos. After learning from Tripp, I Increased my confidence, changed a few things and got everyone’s attention. Now I go out with the girls I love and they have a pretty hot social circle. It has helped me in my professional life too, with great job offers.” Also
“The effortless flirting training is amazing!” Also
“The effortless flirting training is amazing! I set aside some time to soak all the information and then put it into practice. Before he knew it, he was seducing the girls he’d just met, even knowing he was trying to seduce them!”
Marshall – New Zealand Also
“I met about 10-15 new girls…”
And “I had the greatest experience of my life! I finished the flirting course! Ok, first of all I did all the execution and the exercises. I met about 10-15 new girls and 8 of them are texting me all the time! They think I’m cute and handsome. Now I have that girl that everyone wants too! She’s the most beautiful girl in my city. But now she’s mine!” Also
Jim-Athens, Greece
Guys write to me every day thanking me for flirting effortlessly. He’s literally changed their lives, and I know he’ll do the same for you. Also
I think the main reason kids love this course so much is because it’s so complete. Also
This is exactly what
get with the flirtation effortlessly:
First, every bit of material here is available for instant download.
That means you can start changing your life and attract women who wantim immediately. Also
To turbocharge your flirting ability, I’ve also included an exclusive bonus audio file that tells you exactly how to work the text messages into your game plan. This workout also features a flirty trick sheet so you can focus on your approaches and prepare for any situation. Also
In addition to the basic modules of Effortless Flirting, you also get… Also
In this quick and dirty cheat sheet, I give you:
How to get her attracted with verbal flirtation lines
Ways to excite her with physical flirting examples Also
How you can take control of your body language to project power and confidence
Methods to scale from flirting to sexual attraction Also
Nearly 100 pages of step-by-step flirting techniques and methods
In addition, a fully illustrated graph of the structure of a conversation! Also
In these audio files, I break the boogeyman’s ” anxiety focus.”If you’re ready to finally burst out of your bubble, I’ll show you:
How to harness your anxiety and fight in submission; Also
Why being fealess makes women into;
10 specific methods to destroy shyness forever;
And of course, the perfect openers to meet women in any setting, complete with examples to take all the guesses of approaching women. Also
Worried about what to say when the conversation moves to text? I got you covered with:
the 3 best times to send a text message to a girl; Also
The #1 best text to send after the first date (you really don’t want to spoil this);
How to set up a first date via text; Also
The 4 cardinal sins of texting … and how to avoid them;
Decide when to call and when to text;
Mark interest – how to increase your attraction from “slightly interested” to ” meeting at home.” Also
You do not have to rock custom costumes every day, but you can not dress like a lazy i Also
Outstading Courses: Tripp Advice
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 21
- Assessments Yes