Swinggcat – Sexual Connections
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“”Could It Really Be That Easy To Recognize Attraction Signals Most Men Will Never See That Reveal How To Get The Girl Every Time And Develop A Masculine Presence So Strong That It Makes Your Physical Appearance Irrelevant And Compels Her To Want To Be With You – And Only You?””
The Answer Is Yes And If You’re Ready To Stop Your Ego From Stifling Your Masculine Presence, Learn How To Get Outside Your Head, And Start Recognizing The Attraction Signals That Tell You How To Get The Girl Every Time, Keep Reading…
From: Swinggcat
Author of “”Real World Seduction””
Dear friend,
Man-to-man, I want you to answer these questions honestly…
Have you ever failed to approach a woman you’d like to meet because…
You couldn’t think of anything to say or what popped into your head felt like the wrong thing to say?
You thought she was out of your league?
You believed you didn’t have a chance with her?
You sized up your competition and thought you didn’t have a chance against them?
You asked yourself, “”Why would she go for me?””
You were riddled with fear and anxiety?
An unexplainable block prevented you from doing it?
You told yourself some lame excuse to avoid talking to her, such as, “”I’ll approach her later on,”” “”she’s busy right now,”” “”she’s in the middle of a conversation with her girlfriend,”” “”she probably has a boyfriend,”” or “”I’ll just have one more drink before going in””?
You thought she’d embarrass or reject you?
Have you ever approached a woman and…
She ignored you?
She shut you down?
She thought you were weird or cheesy?
Said a canned pick up line that didn’t go over well?
Said the wrong thing?
Has a woman’s negative response to you approaching her ever left you feeling rejected, inadequate, or angry?
Have you ever been talking to a woman and…
The conversation came to a lull and you didn’t know what to say next?
You got upset because she kept interrupting you, wasn’t listening to you, or didn’t laugh at your jokes?
You had an unsettling feeling that she was just being polite and wanted to escape ASAP?
She said something that made you feel emasculated?
You sensed she wasn’t attracted to you?
Have you ever liked a girl and…
You grew frustrated because she failed to see you as a better catch than the losers she goes for?
You felt you couldn’t compete with your better looking, smarter, or funnier friend?
A guy swooped in, took her from you, and left you feeling frustrated, inadequate, or jealous?
She showered another guy with attention, giggled at everything he said, and ignored you?
If yes, did you feel angry or think you lacked something he had?
You kept asking her out but she kept flaking on you or making excuses why she couldn’t get together.
She wouldn’t return your phone calls?
You didn’t know how to make a move on her.
When you made a move on her, it went over awkward, she pushed you away, and you got angry at her or felt a little pathetic or unattractive?
She liked you back. But because you couldn’t recognize her attraction signals, you lost your chance with her?
If you answered YES to any of these questions…
You’ve taken a big step to improving your success with women and have leg up on other guys.
Many of these questions are quite personal. I get it.
Even though every heterosexual male on the planet has experienced at least some of these things, most are too embarrassed to admit any of them.
But by you coming clean and telling the truth, you can address your issues and begin to fix them.
In fact, I created these questions from my own personal experiences with women. Along my journey I’ve experienced every single one multiple times.
To be brutally honest with you…
Many of these things aren’t a figment of your imagination. They’re firmly grounded in reality…
To demonstrate this, I want you to imagine a semicircle of gentlemen suitors hovering around a perfect 10.
Each one orbits her by showing off his most impressive traits the best he can.
After twenty minutes or so, a hierarchy forms in her mind.
The one at the top of the heap is the winner – the one she chooses.
Everyone else feels disappointed that they didn’t get her.
One guy slumps away feeling like an inadequate half-a-man.
Another lashes out at her with, “”You stuck up bitch.””
To be honest…
This can be a harrowing experience.
Unless You’re Better Looking, Funnier, Richer, & More Interesting & Engaging Than Your Competition, You’re Shit Out Of Luck.
And it gets worse…
The guy she chose may not be the winner for much longer. All his fantasies about kissing, doing the nasty, or even dating her may come to a crippling end.
If a more awesome dude comes into the picture, he may quickly replace him. Knock him out of the number one slot. And get the girl.
Conventional Courtship Is Survival Of The Fittest At Its Most Frightening…
With the advent of online dating, things couldn’t be worse…
Women can choose from a pool of infinite mates offering up their penis on a platter.
They have the l
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes