Subliminal Shop – Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.2
Download Subliminal Shop – Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.2 on
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Start disclaimer – (Yes, I know it’s long, read it anyway!)
By purchasing, downloading or using ANY PART of this experimental program, you accept and indicate that you have read and fully understand the following legal disclaimer:
By purchasing and / or using this experimental program, you become and agree to be a tester for this experimental program.
This experimental program is designed to do things for adults and contains material for adults that requires personal responsibility and maturity. If you are not legally an adult, it is illegal for you to buy and / or use this program. If you don’t have the ability to be mature and take personal responsibility, don’t use this experimental program.
By purchasing, downloading or using any part of this experimental program, you agree to accept all personal responsibility for choosing to do so, and all responsibility for any and all direct and indirect consequences thereof, whether positive or otherwise.
The goal of this experimental program design is specifically to make people of the gender that you find sexually more attractive feel irresistibly attracted and sexually aroused as they actually and repeatedly try to initiate and have so much physical sex with you. as you allow Therefore, it is not suitable for the use of, in or around anyone under the legal age of majority, and such persons should not use or be exposed to this experimental program.
Therefore, do not use this experimental program if you are under 18 years of age, as it is illegal to do so and may interfere, interrupt or alter your normal development.
It is also not suitable for use by anyone involved in a committed relationship that they wish to maintain.
The user’s choices and actions influenced and resulting from the use of this experimental program are the sole responsibility of the user. Neither Indigo Mind Labs, nor any member of the Indigo Mind Labs staff, including the creator of the experimental program, accepts any responsibility for what you choose to do or what happens to you, as a direct or indirect result of listening to, using or having used this program experimental. By using this experimental program, you agree to exempt Indigo Mind Labs, the creator of the experimental program, and all Indigo Mind Labs staff members, completely harmless, regardless of your location and / or jurisdiction in which you reside.
This experimental program contains a wide variety of highly advanced subliminal technologies and is extremely powerful. Due to the sometimes extreme effects it may have on you and / or others, you are cautioned to purchase and use it at your own risk.
This experimental program is NOT for use by epileptics, people with any form of epilepsy-related neurological disorder, anyone who has had seizures, anyone who has a heart condition, or who is not healthy enough to have sex. DO NOT expose anyone to this experimental program.
This experimental program is designed and intended to occasionally cause a profoundly altered state of consciousness to help you achieve the objectives of this experimental program. DO NOT use this experimental program while driving, and do not drive while you are conspicuously in an altered state of consciousness caused by this experimental program!
Listen to this experimental program ONLY. DO NOT expose anyone else to this experimental audio program while listening to it. It is designed to be used by ONE person at a time and to have that person project high levels of energy that affect those around them. Simultaneous multiple people who project this energy level and affect each other at the same time, can cause some people to experience an overload of the nervous system, which could lead to serious health problems.
While this program is designed to prevent you from influencing people under the legal age of sexual consent, avoid people under the age of majority while using or under the influence of this experimental program, as despite the Best possible efforts to prevent it may be affected independently and therefore may respond to you in a sexual and / or inappropriate way. You and you alone are responsible for the causes of your maximized sexual irresistibility, and the choices you make and the actions you take while under the influence of this experimental program.
End of Disclaimer
Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility is designed to work equally well for both men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation, identity or preference.
What’s New In DMSI 3.3.2?
Added Magnus Engine v2.0
Upgraded Magnus Engine v2.0 to v3.0
Heavily upgraded and optimized the SOS module
Heavily optimized the aura of sexual irresistibility configuration and generation module
Optimized the GFX module.
Optimized MG1 module.
Optimized MG2 module
Optimized MG3 module
Upgraded Core Script
Upgraded Optimus Engine V5 to V6.
Upgraded ACMX module from v1.0 to v2.0
Added PRHAP module.
Added SCRTHD module.
Added SUCMOSR module.
Added CAFUD module.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes