The body’s energy centers, known as chakras in Hindu traditions, are distinct centers with their unique frequencies and energies. Each center emits varied information and intentions, corresponding to specific glands, hormones, and chemistry, and housing unique clusters of neurons. When energized, each center expresses its own state of mind.
All illnesses stem from a decrease in frequency and the transmission of incoherent messages exchanged between your brain and body, as well as among your body’s cells, tissues, organs, and internal systems. As this occurs and your body’s essential energy depletes, your body’s aura contracts, causing you to shift from energy to matter.
This meditation is crafted to heighten your body’s frequency. You will discover how to align, harmonize, and link each energy center, thereby creating a pathway for the natural flow of creative energy from your first center into the brain. Subsequently, you will draw energy from the unified field down into each energy center, elevating your body’s frequency.
Included in this meditation is an 11-minute instructional segment. This meditation is ideal for those seeking healing for their body. For a more in-depth exploration of the body’s energy centers, please refer to Chapter 4 in Dr. Joe’s book, Becoming Supernatural.
- Explanation (10:55)
- Meditation (65:08)
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Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes