David Tian -Limitless 2 0
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Most Guys Do Not Have The Guts To “Program” Their “Personal Software” To Even Understand What I’m About To Say…
But If You Have The Courage To Really Go For What You Want, Let Me Tell You How EASY It Is…
The Secret Of Getting ANY Woman To Like You… Love You… Or, Do Whatever You Want Her To Do
What if you could have TOTAL CONTROL over your dating life?
What if it only takes a few easy neuropsychological hacks… organized into a simple step-by-step system… to get this complete control?
And what if you could be “Cool” from the inside out… (without having to act goofy or try-hard…) and effortlessly “turn on” amazing women, while being the envy of other guys?
Hey man,
I’m David Tian, Ph.D., and as head of the largest dating skills academy in the world…
Featured in national and international media…
Having helped thousands of men around the globe…
One thing I’ve discovered…
Success with women is a COMPLETE mystery to most men.
If you’ve seen the videos I made for you leading up to this, you now know how you can use just Two Words to get a woman to do practically anything you want, including having a threesome with you, or just something as simple as a planting a big wet kiss on your lips.
I’ve also shown you how to use Double Entendres, Implanting, and Dropping the Anvil, so that she’ll be thinking about doing just what you want her to do and get her all worked up, wet and willing for you.
If you haven’t seen these yet, don’t worry. I’ll show you all these later.
These are really easy tricks.
And I come up with techniques like this for my clients all the time.
That’s my specialty.
I create simple strategies that guys can use… that take advantage of the latest, cutting edge research in neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, and other major fields.
But if you think I’m simple-minded or that it’s simple to get this material…
The fact is, it takes a lot of work to find and sift through the research… to analyze and assimilate it… to test it in the real world rigorously and repeatedly not only on myself but also with hundreds of real-life clients… and then to transform them into somethingimmediately applicable to your life to get you massive results with women.
I did it all, so you don’t have to.
Now let me reveal to you a FASCINATING finding I made — one of many — in order to make it so simple for you.
Check this out. It’s one of the most bizarre discoveries I came across in my research… going back over 10,000 years in the ancient records.
Here’s what I found out.
Now Read Carefully This Story I’m About To Show You…
You’re a young man living 10,000 years ago… in a tribe with 50 others.
In your tribe, there is a dominant, charismatic, powerful male leader. You admire and respect him, but also fear him. Every time you see him, you avert your gaze to avoid direct eye contact.
Lately, you’ve noticed that you’re thinking more and more about becoming a leader yourself. You can imagine being admired by others and being the one to lead the hunts for food.
You’ve also noticed that your temper and emotions are becoming harder to control. Something seems to be happening inside of you that is making you more and more irritable. You’ve also noticed hair growing on your face and muscles growing on your body.
One day, while you’re walking alone in the trees, you see a familiar waterfall, with a pond below. In the pond is a beautiful young woman you’ve admired for many years… bathing.
For some reason, on this day, she appears different to you. Today, you have an unfamiliar feeling inside. At this moment, you feel an overwhelming desire to be with her… in a way you don’t understand.
As you approach her, she turns and sees you.
For a split-second, all of time seems to freeze… as you look into each other’s eyes. It’s in that moment you realize that she’s feeling something, too.
You walk toward her, and she walks toward you. You don’t know what’s about to happen, but you can feel something moving you forward… a drive that seems to be coming from deep within you.
As you get closer to this beautiful being standing in front of you, she smiles… and looks at your face.
You reach a hand out to touch her arm. This time, the touch feels very unusual. You breathe deep. Your pulse begins to quicken. You can feel the hairs on your body stand up in waves.
You are so focused on the action that’s unfolding, that you don’t notice a rustling in the trees behind you.
All at once, you sense the presence of others. You spin your head around to see who is behind you.
And there stands the leader of your group, along with many other adults, including your mom and dad.
An instinctive sense of fear strikes deep into your stomach… your eyes widen… and your throat becomes constricted and dry. You feel as if you’re in great danger, even though you’ve done nothing wrong.
The leader of your group is looking directly at you, with a look that makes you fear for your life.
“The Boy Must Die!” he yells.
Your mother runs to
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes