David Snyder – Rapid Attraction Secrets 2015
Download David Snyder – Rapid Attraction Secrets 2015 on Avaicourse.com
This course is available immediately. Please contact us at avaicourse17@gmail.com with the best service for more detailed advice.
As far as I know, this video isn’t even for sale.
3 days in San Diego
Personally, I think it’s the BEST course in seduction:
It’s based on research in neuroscience and behavioral psychology.
David Snyder (aka Van Arrick, Masterclass, David X not the old fat incongruous ;-)) is a great trainer and a great practitioner of seduction and sex.
The process is clearly explained in all details and is really simple.
I compressed it for the Ipad (the original was HUGE)
(I won’t be able to do that for the next RWH Real World Hypnosis
prepare your ratio, it will be a load of more than 30 Gb)
There are 2 damaged files in the originals: 2.4 and 3.4
The course is perfectly complete without them.
But if someone has them, upload them.
One of them contains Thundercat (Joseph Matthews) metaframe 4 times
if you know where to find him please PM Hackerone
Give me just 3 days in a row and I’ll show you how to take away virtually all the guesswork out of dating and keeping the man or woman of your dreams and make them practically fall in love with you in just 20 minutes ethically, honestly, quickly and easily!
So listen to Close Right Now… Pay attention, before you sign up Watch the video below and make sure you are ready to learn the full System.
Love, passion, companionship, intimacy, sex, romance, adventure, fun, we all want these things. In fact, every man, woman, and couple I have ever met or worked with has distilled their relationship needs into some form of the above-mentioned things. But…
Finding and keeping a good lover is more difficult today in 2015 than ever before.
In fact, the game is quite rigged against men and women.
Whether you have difficulty meeting and keeping someone special or you simply want more freedom, power, choice and control over mating and family life. If you really want more sex, passion, intimacy, connection, companionship, satisfaction, if you really want this part of your life to be managed.
Read on.
Let’s face it, you can search any internet dating site, YouTube, meetup.com, Facebook, Google plus, etc., and find workshop after workshop and coach after coach trying to teach you the right way to meet a woman. You can also find a great way to get to know a woman, keep men, bring your ex, bring the fire back into your relationship to infinity, etc.
Here’s the problem… Men tend to talk to men about dating; women tend to talk to women about dating
Both parties tend to make the other party “wrong” and then complain and complain that the other party just doesn’t get it.
Well, the truth is… Men and women ARE different…
But not that much.
The tragic part, of course, is that although men and women want the same things, they prioritize them and classify them differently.
Each of us, regardless of our gender, has a unique “checklist” that lets us know we are getting what we think is good and right in our world based on our life experience, religious, biological and social family values.
And each of us moves through the world by “projecting” our internal checklist onto everyone we meet, believing and acting wrongly as if our own internal checklist were the same as Other Peoples and that people understand, believe and behave the way we would.
If the person matches our checklist and we experience feelings of fun, excitement and enjoyment… we tend to quickly enter a deep state of attraction. And it really doesn’t matter if you’re male, female or Martian … (Okay… maybe I’m NOT a Martian).
However, because there is approximately an 8% difference in the way men’s brains are connected and women’s brains work. Our experience and understanding of the other gender is often quite different from how they perceive it. And that’s where the problems start.
It gets worse.
The rapidly changing social and cultural roles for men and women have also drastically changed the way we look for the right person. The social and cultural expectations that govern how men and women treat each other have changed so dramatically that the average man no longer knows HOW to be a man. Women have become such a powerful force in the previously male-dominated workplace that they have identified with male behaviors.
Now I have no problem with strong women, but the bottom line is that the stronger you become in terms of the identity you embrace, the stronger a man has to be to make you happy in the long run.
But there is a simple and easy method that you can start using right away to quickly
Let’s cut to the chase… Women are becoming more masculine in their behaviour and attitudes, men are becoming progressively less masculine and women are becoming increasingly unhappy with the quality of men they know.
The group of men who are strong, masculine and evolved, those who embody the attributes of the classic romantic hero are fast becoming extinct. As a result, women are often left to settle
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
Outstanding Course:NLPTimes – Creating Your Own NL
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes